January 31, 2012

a puppy photoshoot

now i wonder what my mom is up to...

what the heck, she is carrying a camera!

i gotta get out of here... i'm not done playing yet...

okay, now how do i get out of here??

stop it mommy! grrr!!!

okay, so my mom tricked me into taking these photos. because you know what she did? she cornered me! remember when i told you in this post that i love running around a lot instead of posing for my mom's photos? well, this time she got me. and now you know how obsessed my mom is in making me the subject of her photos. she's kinda crazy, isn't she?


JANU said...

cute and sweet.

photos by jan said...

He Dave, how are you. This is Yona, Mom does the same thing to me, always disturbing my sleep or play with the blasted camera... Your mom writes a great post though.

The Poet said...

Hello Dave.
You are soooo cute!
Sending you lots of hugs & kisses.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Love the photos and your cute commentary! I know this pup gets LOTS of love!

Pablo said...

You're such a cutie Dave and you're lucky your Mommy takes such good photographs. I keep posing but no one cares!

The Social Frog said...

Awww, how cute!

William Kendall said...

Awww, Dave, you're so irresistably cute!