December 29, 2011

hello there!

why hello there! how have you been? have you been so busy during this holiday season? well if you ask me, i'm havin' so much fun! aside from the fact that this was my first Christmas, my fur is growing! yay! and i'm looking more like a lion now. rawr! i have a lot of other stories to tell ya but you're gonna have to wait for them on my upcoming posts. so, ciao! hope you're having a wonderful day!


Martha Jane Orlando said...

What a cutie! Made me smile today. :)

JANU said...

Hey Dave you are such a beaut!

Mary Hudak-Collins said...

Dave, you are darling! I just want to scoop you up and bring you to my house :)

Corinne Rodrigues said...

Hi Dave - Pablo says he's frightened of you now that you're looking like a lion ;)

Krisztina Clifton said...

Aw, you are too cute!:)

photos by jan said...

Dave, Yona wants to go to the beach with you. She needs protection of a lion and you fit the bill. You always make us smile.

sulekkha said...

Happy new year Dave :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, indeed you're very cute! Happy new year to you. :-)