December 29, 2011

hello there!

why hello there! how have you been? have you been so busy during this holiday season? well if you ask me, i'm havin' so much fun! aside from the fact that this was my first Christmas, my fur is growing! yay! and i'm looking more like a lion now. rawr! i have a lot of other stories to tell ya but you're gonna have to wait for them on my upcoming posts. so, ciao! hope you're having a wonderful day!

December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

i hope you're having a wonderful Christmas celebration wherever you are in the world! may peace, love, and happiness reign in your hearts, just like how it reigns in mine. take care!

December 24, 2011

my favorite sleeping position

do not disturb. i'm enjoying my trip to dreamland right now! see you when i get back to earth!

December 22, 2011

i'm the master of the house

and i'm lovin' it! it always feels good to be the boss!

nibble nibble!

this is one of the best things in the world for a pup like me -- chewing on a flavored bone! yum yum!

snoopy attacked me!

remember how i introduced snoopy to you on this post? well, i do all the biting and chewing every play time. but this time, i think snoopy wanted revenge! see???!!!

up close, yo!

oh, i had a fabulous day nappin' and playin' and poopin' and peein'! and sometimes takin' pictures and shootin' videos with the ladies in da house, yo!

December 20, 2011

yeah, i use my charms

you know, i use my charms when i want something. i just give that innocent look with my dark and sparkly almond-shaped eyes and captivating puppy smile. and the next thing you know, you're under my spell.

December 19, 2011

i love napping!

Heya, fellas! This is one of my favorite activities! It allows me to recharge so I'll have more energy for play later during the day!

meet my favorite chew toy!

hi guys! my name is Dave! and i'm pretty new to blogging. my mom decided for me to blog so that i'll have something better to do with my time aside from sleeping, pooping, peeing, and chewing on things! but i think it sounds fun so i'm giving it a try! cheers!